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The Multi-Billion Dollar Law Firm: How Deregulation and M&A are Transforming our Industry

Thank you for registering for The Multi-Billion Dollar Law Firm: How Deregulation and M&A are Transforming our Industry!
Here’s your recording of the webinar to begin watching now.
What we’re covering

Key Learning Outcomes:

  • Industry Landscape – Gain an understanding of current deregulation trends and the role of ABS and LSOs in reshaping legal services, including insights into ethics opinions and key players driving change.
  • Characteristics of a Prime Acquisition Target – Identify the core attributes that make law firms attractive to potential buyers, from cultural fit and growth metrics to brand loyalty and operational efficiency.
  • Building Your Firm’s Value – Explore how to strategically develop your firm through people, process, and technology, whether pursuing a DIY approach or seeking partnerships, to ensure it stands out in the evolving marketplace.

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