Legal Task Management with Filevine

Reclaim Your Time with Automated Task Management
Organize, prioritize, and never miss a deadline with Filevine's centralized task management
Start Tasking

Burden of Legal Tasks

Power of Organization

Lawyers face a constant barrage of tasks, leading to missed deadlines, errors, and burnout.

Filevine's task management system empowers you to regain control of your workload. By centralizing tasks, automating reminders, and facilitating collaboration, Filevine helps you prioritize effectively and stay on top of every deadline.

Automate Your Tasks

Flows & Templates

Create custom workflows that automatically trigger tasks based on events or deadlines. Save time and ensure consistency across your cases.

Build A Workflow 

Build reusable task templates for common legal processes, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Build a Template 

Simplify the complex process of medical records retrieval. Filevine seamlessly integrates with industry-leading services like YoCierge, Chartsquad, and Retrieval, eliminating manual requests and reducing costly delays. Our expertly-designed interface allows you to order, track, and access records directly within your Filevine case file, saving you valuable time and resources.

Request Medical Records 
Never miss a court date with deadline chains. Automatically extract deadlines from court documents with AIFields and integrate them with your calendar, accounting for court holidays and scheduling rules. Customize reminders and create recurring tasks for ultimate control.
Automate Your Deadlines 

Centralized Task Management

Centralized Task Overview

Access all your tasks in one place with Filevine's intuitive Task Page. Filter by project, priority, or due date to focus on what matters most.

Automated Reminders & Deadlines

Set deadlines and get automatic reminders, ensuring you never miss a critical date. Link tasks to calendar events for a comprehensive view.

Enhanced Team Collaboration

Easily assign tasks, track progress, and share updates with your team. Filevine fosters efficient communication and accountability.

Smart Task Suggestions

SidebarAI: Your Intelligent Legal Assistant

Meet your new AI-powered assistant, ready to help you work smarter and faster. SidebarAI understands your Filevine case context and proactively offers:

  • Relevant task suggestions to for your workflow
  • Quick case summaries and key information at a glance
  • Analyze cases to find issues that may require follow-up
  • Answers to your Filevine questions right in the app
See What Else SidebarAI Can Do

Conquer Your Task Management Challenges

Discover how Filevine's task management tools can enhance your workflow and boost productivity.
Explore Task Automation