Legal Calendaring Software

Never Miss a Deadline Again with Filevine's Legal Calendaring

In the fast-paced world of law, juggling court dates, client meetings, and deadlines is a constant challenge. A missed deadline could mean a lost case, a frustrated client, or even a malpractice claim. It's time to organize your schedule, simplify your workflows, and elevate your practice

Stop Missing Deadlines

Importance of Calendaring

Importance of Legal Calendaring

Traditional calendaring methods – sticky notes, whiteboards, separate calendars for each attorney – simply don't cut it anymore. They lead to errors, confusion, and missed opportunities.

That's where Filevine's legal software comes in. Our intuitive, centralized system simplifies scheduling, automates deadline calculations, and gives your entire team a clear view of what's happening and when.

Start Calendaring

Elevate Your Legal Calendar, Simplify Your Practice

Rules-Based Calendaring

Eliminate the guesswork and reduce the risk of errors. Filevine's rules-based calendaring automatically calculates deadlines based on specific court rules and statutes, ensuring your filings are always timely and compliant.

Two-Way Calendar Sync

Stay on top of your schedule from anywhere. Filevine's two-way calendar sync keeps your Filevine calendar and your preferred calendar app (like Outlook or Google Calendar) in perfect harmony, ensuring you're always up-to-date.

Customizable Views

Tailor your calendar to fit your needs. Choose from daily, weekly, monthly, or agenda views, and easily filter events by case, type, or assignee. This flexibility ensures you always have a clear overview of your priorities and commitments.


Integrated with Your Entire Workflow

Filevine's legal calendaring goes beyond simple scheduling. It's deeply integrated with your case management system to simplify your entire workflow. Link events to specific cases, get automatic reminders for deadlines, and easily manage tasks across your team. 

Filevine can help identify deadlines and suggest optimal meeting times, saving you valuable time and effort. With your schedule organized and accessible from anywhere, you can focus on delivering the best possible legal service to your clients.

Organize Your Schedule Today

Transform Your Legal Calendar, Transform Your Practice

Filevine's calendar is more than just dates and times. It's a powerful task management tool that keeps your entire team on track.

  • Create, assign, and track tasks directly within your calendar.
  • Link tasks to specific case files for easy reference and organization.
  • Set deadlines and get automated reminders so nothing falls through the cracks.
Get Organized Now 

Filevine's customizable reminders and notifications keep you ahead of the game.

  • Set personalized reminders for court dates, filing deadlines, client meetings, and more.
  • Tailor notifications for specific users or groups within your firm.
  • Adjust reminder times to fit your schedule and preferences.
Stay on Top of Deadlines 

Filevine's calendar reporting tools go beyond basic scheduling.

  • Track billable hours, case progress, and team productivity.
  • Identify bottlenecks in your workflow and optimize your schedule.
  • Generate custom reports to analyze specific metrics and trends.
Unlock Your Firm's Potential 

Filevine's integrated time tracking simplifies the billing process.

  • Automatically track time spent on calendar events.
  • Log time for specific tasks within an event for detailed billing records.
  • Track time for multiple team members assigned to the same event.
Simplify Your Billing 

Ready to take control of your calendar and your practice?

Schedule a Demo