Writ of Coram Nobis

A legal remedy, typically used in criminal cases, that allows a court to review and potentially correct a fundamental error in a previous judgment, if the error was not apparent at the time of trial.
The defendant filed a writ of coram nobis arguing that newly discovered evidence proved his innocence.

There are many historical examples of writs of coram nobis being used. Due to the nature of the writ, however, these cases may not be easily searchable online databases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Writs of coram nobis can address errors such as ineffective assistance of counsel, constitutional violations, or newly discovered evidence that could change the outcome of the case.

Writs of coram nobis are extraordinary remedies used only when other avenues of appeal have been exhausted or are unavailable.

Writs of coram nobis have a high bar for success and are not guaranteed to be granted. Deadlines for filing such writs may also be strict.

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