Referral Tracking

rih-FER-uhl TRAK-ing
The process of monitoring and recording the sources of new clients or cases for a law firm or attorney. It involves identifying the individuals or entities that refer clients to the firm, as well as tracking the specific details of each referral, such as the referrer's name, contact information, and the type of legal matter referred.
Law firms can leverage referral tracking software to gain insights into their client acquisition channels.

Real-Case Example:

In a breach of contract case involving a referral fee dispute between two law firms, referral tracking records became crucial evidence. Firm A claimed that Firm B had failed to pay the agreed-upon referral fee for a client who had been successfully represented. Firm B argued that they had not received a referral from Firm A. The court relied on Firm A's referral tracking system, including documented communications and client intake forms, to establish the existence of the referral and ultimately ruled in favor of Firm A.

This example demonstrates how meticulously maintained referral tracking records can serve as essential evidence in legal disputes related to referral agreements and fee arrangements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Identify high-performing referrals, optimize marketing campaigns, improve client service.

Manually (spreadsheets) or dedicated referral tracking software.

Referral source, date, contact information, case type, and outcome.

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