Lagging iIndicator

LAG-ing in-dih-KAY-tur
A lagging indicator is a performance metric that reflects the past performance of a business or situation. Lagging indicators are often used to evaluate the effectiveness of past actions or trends.
The company's profit margin, a lagging indicator, revealed the negative impact of recent marketing campaign changes.

Finding a specific legal case example for lagging indicators is unlikely, as it's a business term.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common lagging indicators include sales figures, customer churn rate, return on investment (ROI), and employee turnover rate.

Leading indicators are forward-looking metrics that may predict future performance, while lagging indicators reflect what has already happened.

Lagging indicators can be valuable for evaluating past strategies and identifying areas for improvement. However, they should be used in conjunction with leading indicators to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a business's health.

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