
Cause of Action

kawz of AK-shun
A legal claim or the basis upon which a lawsuit is filed. It refers to the set of facts that give rise to a right to sue and seek a legal remedy from the court.
The plaintiff's cause of action was breach of contract, alleging that the defendant failed to fulfill their obligations under the agreement.

Donahue v. Rodd Electrotype Co. (1975) (shareholder derivative action)

Frequently Asked Questions

The elements vary depending on the specific legal claim, but generally include a legal duty owed to the plaintiff, a breach of that duty by the defendant, and damages suffered by the plaintiff as a result of the breach.

A cause of action is the legal basis for a lawsuit, while a lawsuit is the formal process of bringing a claim to court for resolution.

The time limit for filing a lawsuit varies depending on the specific cause of action and jurisdiction.

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