
Bond Forfeiture

BOND FOR-fi-chur
The process by which a court orders the forfeiture of a bond, which is a sum of money deposited with the court to ensure a defendant's appearance in court or compliance with certain conditions. Forfeiture typically occurs when a defendant fails to appear in court or violates the terms of their release.
The judge ordered the bond forfeiture after the defendant failed to appear for their scheduled court hearing.

United States v. Vaccaro (1992)

Frequently Asked Questions

A bond is a sum of money or property pledged to a court to guarantee that a person will appear in court or fulfill certain obligations.

Consequences may include losing the amount of the bond, a warrant for the defendant's arrest, and potential difficulties in securing release on bond in future cases.

In some cases, a bond forfeiture can be reversed if the defendant provides a valid reason for their non-appearance or demonstrates compliance with the bond conditions.

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