AI and Bias in Legal Decisions

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The potential for artificial intelligence (AI) systems used in legal contexts to make decisions that are unfairly prejudiced against certain individuals or groups due to inherent biases in the data or algorithms.
The use of AI in legal decisions raises concerns about potential biases perpetuating existing inequalities in the justice system.

In 2016, ProPublica analyzed a risk assessment tool used in criminal sentencing and found that it was biased against Black defendants, leading to calls for greater scrutiny of AI in legal settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Biases can arise from training data that reflects historical inequalities, biased algorithms, or the way AI systems are designed and implemented.

Mitigating bias involves using diverse and representative training data, regularly auditing AI systems for fairness, and implementing transparency and explainability measures.

Biased AI decisions can lead to unfair treatment, perpetuate discrimination, and undermine public trust in the legal system.

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