Streamline Record Retrieval with Filevine

Medical record retrieval now seamlessly integrates with Filevine to give you unprecedented efficiency for your law office. Our software engineers have designed this interface to take advantage of the unique features of Filevine.

Flat fee pricing made easy

Flat Fee Pricing

With our simple, volume-based flat fee rates, you will always know how much you pay for our services. There is no per-page charge in our fees, even if we get back thousands of pages.
Fast turnaround and easy process

Fast Turnaround

Every order received by us before 4 pm goes out the same day. Every returned document gets uploaded into the vault the same day too. Every order is a rush, so we don't charge any "rush fees."
Full control over custodial charges

Full Control over Custodial Charges

When you enter a new order, you can set a maximum amount for each location. If we receive a request from the provider over your set amount, you can decide if it’s worth it.
Easy handoff of disc image copies

Disk Image Copies

We often receive X-rays on CD or DVD disks. In this case, we not only forward those disks to you, but we also place a copy into your vault in a standard .iso format. If any of those disks get misplaced, simply download the .iso file and make a new copy on your computer.
Easy invoices

Invoices at Your Fingertips

Our invoices can be just as easily downloaded as your documents. You can get a copy by clicking on the link in the Invoices column, making fee calculation seamless.
Permission levels for all types of users

Different Permission Levels

Set users' permission levels according to their HIPAA knowledge and provide access only to those properly trained persons. A user without vault permission can still check the status of a request without access to the actual medical records.

Frequently Asked Questions

Medical record retrieval works seamlessly when YoCierge is integrated with Filevine, to give you unprecedented efficiency for your law office.

Once connected you will be able to search for all your client's medical records within the search bar.

You will also have Medical Records pre-populated within a drop-down menu when searching within a client's contact card.

Record retrieval often faces unexpected delays because of incorrect information provided.

When using Filevine and YoCierge you can submit requests from the contact card associated with Filevine.

YoCierge is able to push and pull client information such as name, date of birth, time of the accident, and many other types of meta-data.

Yes, We know requesting signatures on HIPAA forms is a time-consuming task. Filevine can copy the email address entered in the contact card and send the HIPAA forms with one-click.

Your client can sign it within seconds from any internet-connected device.

Nothing, Both Yocierge, and Filevine are committed to providing the best possible user experience, therefore, there is no additional charge for using this revolutionary integration.