National Record Retrieval

Enhance your record retrieval process coupled with our review and summary services with fast, accurate, and secure services nationwide, empowering legal professionals to focus on what matters most—maximizing the value of your cases.

National Record Retrieval and Filevine 

National Record Retrieval ( is the industry’s leading company for records retrieval services as well as reviews and summaries.

We work with leading firms specializing in all practices including Mass Tort, MDL, and single event cases.

Additionally, we provide review and summary services that include customizable solutions for all types of cases including medical chronologies, demand letter, and billing summaries.

Our services would help you and the firm to save time and money while maximizing your internal resources so that your staff can focus on the important things such as case management, medical management… and maximizing the value of your cases.

What sets us apart from other service providers is that we charge a flat fee for all records requests--- there are no minimums, no start-up costs, and no additional fees!

Frequently Asked Questions

National Record Retrieval’s integration with Filevine is designed to keep your staff within the Filevine environment. From initial records requests, follow-up and viewing the uploaded records, bills, and other documents, our integration is comprehensive and easy-to-use.

National Record Retrieval has years of experience in procuring medical and non-medical records from providers and institutions. We place a high priority on prompt turnarounds, open communication, transparency, and accountability.

We have a database of over 350,000+ verified providers and a growing team to handle the highest volume of requests in the industry.

In addiiton, our integration includes the flexibility for you to request bills, labs, radiology and over 30 sub-types of medical records.

There are no integration or set-up fees, no contracts, and no minimums. As we always say- use us as you need us- and that is how we grow our business with our clients!

We work with firms of all sizes and look forward to welcoming you as a new client!