Permissions in Filevine

February 29, 2024

Simplify Access Management with Filevine's New Teams Permissions

Managing staff access across multiple projects can become complex for growing legal teams. Filevine's new Teams Permissions model provides a simplified way to organize user permissions and project access.

With Teams Permissions you can now:

  • Assign access levels and roles at the team level
  • Add/remove groups of users to various projects in bulk
  • Iterate teams fluidly based on evolving firm needs
  • Centrally Control Access by Team

Rather than assigning individual users, you add teams to projects in Filevine. Teams act as permission groups, with access levels, roles, and subscriptions set at the group level.

As you scale your firm, leverage teams to map to departments, practice areas, office locations, or any structure matching your workflows.


  • Intake Team
  • Litigation Team
  • West Coast Employees
User management and access modifications then flow down efficiently to associated projects by updating the correlated team.

Streamlined Onboarding & Offboarding

With team-based access, you can now conveniently:

Onboard new hires by adding them to certain team permissions groups Offboard exiting employees by simply removing them from all teams Project access automatically updates in accordance with team adjustments.

Iterate & Optimize Over Time

The beauty of teams lies in their flexibility. As needs emerge, reorganize team structures to dial-in fit.

See all that Filevine can do with a customized demonstration from our team

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