Multi-Language OCR

February 29, 2024

Break Down Language Barriers:

Multi-Language OCR for Immigration Casework

Streamline immigration casework with Filevine's powerful multi-language OCR. Effortlessly extract critical information with OCR for immigration documents, saving time, reducing errors, and creating a more inclusive client experience.

Key Benefits

  • Accuracy: Extract data with precision from documents in any supported language, minimizing errors and ensuring case details are correct.

  • Efficiency: Eliminate hours spent manually deciphering or translating documents. Accelerate case preparation and focus on high-value tasks.

  • Client Experience: Empower clients to provide information comfortably in their preferred language. Build trust and improve communication throughout the case.

  • Accessibility: Process a wider range of cases and expand your potential client base by breaking down language barriers with multi-language OCR.

How It Works

  1. Upload Your Document: Securely upload an image (JPG, PNG) or PDF file containing text in any supported language.

  2. OCR in Action: Filevine's multi-language OCR technology analyzes the document, recognizing and extracting text regardless of its original language.

  3. Review and Utilize: The extracted text is presented in an editable format. Use it to fill forms, populate case fields, or easily search for key information.

  4. Streamlining USCIS Forms: Accelerate USCIS form preparation with Multi-Language OCR. Instantly translate client documents and auto-populate forms, saving hours of tedious manual work.

Accelerate Immigration Cases with OCR for Immigration Documents

In the fast-paced world of immigration law, language barriers can create costly delays and increase the risk of misunderstandings. Relying on external translators or manually deciphering documents is time-consuming and prone to human error.

Filevine's Multi-Language OCR empowers you to break through these barriers, directly translating documents for immigration in up to 170 languages. Accelerate casework, enhance client communication, and gain a competitive edge with the accuracy and efficiency only advanced OCR technology can provide.

See all that Filevine can do with a customized demonstration from our team

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