
Guest Permissions: Secure External Access

March 31, 2015

Securely Share Information with Clients and External Users with Filevine Guest Permissions

Filevine Guest Permissions provide a secure and controlled way to collaborate with clients, co-counsel, expert witnesses, and other external users. Instead of relying on email or third-party file-sharing services, you can grant limited access to specific project information directly within Filevine

This ensures that sensitive data remains protected while fostering efficient communication and collaboration. This page will explain the benefits of using Guest Permissions, what information guests can access, and how to manage guest users in Filevine.

What Can Guests Access in Filevine?

Filevine Guest access is designed to provide limited and controlled access to project information. It's crucial to understand that guests can only see what is explicitly shared with them. They have no access to sections, documents, or activity feed items that have not been specifically designated for their view. 

This ensures that sensitive information remains protected, even when collaborating with external users. Guest users are added at the project level, meaning their access is confined to a single project.

What Guests Can See and Do:

  • View Shared Information: Guests can view documents, activity feed items, and custom sections that have been explicitly shared with them.
  • Add Comments: Guests can participate in discussions by adding comments to shared activity feed items.
  • Upload Documents (If Permitted): Depending on the sharing settings, guests may be able to upload documents to the project.
  • Simplified Project View: Guests see a faster version of the Filevine project, focusing on the shared information and minimizing clutter.

How to Add and Manage Guest Users

Adding and managing guest users in Filevine is a straightforward process, giving you complete control over who can access your project information. Guest access is managed at the project level, ensuring that external users only have access to the specific projects you choose.

Key Actions:

  • Invite Guests: Easily invite clients, co-counsel, or other external users to a project with just a few clicks. You control which project they can access.
  • Share Specific Information: Select exactly which sections, documents, and activity feed items you want to share with each guest. Maintain confidentiality by only sharing what's necessary.
  • Control Editing Permissions: For shared custom sections, you can choose whether to grant guests "view-only" access or allow them to edit the information. Collaborate effectively while maintaining control.
  • Revoke Access: Instantly remove a guest's access to a project at any time. Maintain complete control over your data.

(Note: Screenshots showing the "Invite" button in the Team section, the "Guest Share" option for documents, and the "Project Section Access" flyout)

Security and Control with Guest Permissions

Filevine Guest Permissions are designed with security as a top priority. Sharing information with external users doesn't mean compromising confidentiality. Filevine provides multiple layers of control to ensure your sensitive data remains protected.

Key Security Features:

  • Limited Access: Guests can only access information that has been explicitly shared with them. They cannot browse the project or see any unshared data.
  • Granular Control: You have complete control over what is shared with each guest, down to the individual section, document, or activity feed item.
  • Revocable Access: You can revoke a guest's access to a project instantly at any time, ensuring that your data remains secure even if circumstances change.
  • Secure Platform: Filevine employs industry-leading security measures, including data encryption and access controls, to protect all information within the platform, including data shared with guests.

Benefits of Using Filevine Guest Permissions

Filevine Guest Permissions offers a range of benefits for both your firm and your external collaborators, such as improving communication, enhancing security, and easing your workflow.

  • Improved Client Communication: Keep clients informed and engaged by providing controlled access to relevant project information, fostering trust and transparency.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Securely share documents and collaborate with co-counsel, expert witnesses, and other external parties without compromising sensitive data.
  • Increased Transparency: Provide clients with controlled visibility into the progress of their case, reducing the need for constant status updates.
  • Reduced Administrative Overhead: Minimize time spent on email updates, phone calls, and manual file sharing.
  • Enhanced Security: Share information with confidence, knowing that Filevine's robust security measures protect your data.

Get Started with Filevine Guest Permissions

Enhance collaboration and communication with clients and external users while maintaining complete control over your sensitive data. 

Request a demo of Filevine today to see how Guest Permissions can benefit your firm.

Learn more about Guest Permissions within Filevine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Guests are external users with limited access to a project; they can only see information that has been explicitly shared with them. Collaborators are typically internal team members with broader read/write access to project data.

Guests cannot directly edit documents within the Docs section. However, if you share a custom section with a guest and grant them "edit" permissions for that section, they can modify the information within that specific section. They will not be able to generally edit documents.

You can revoke a guest's access to a project at any time through the project's "Team" section. Simply locate the guest user and remove them from the project.

Yes. Filevine Guest Permissions are designed with security in mind. Guests have limited access, you control exactly what is shared, and you can revoke access at any time. Filevine also employs industry-leading security measures to protect all data within the platform.

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