
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

May 31, 2020

For lawyers and other legal professionals, fast access to caseload information is priority #1.

But some information is hard to search for. What about data inside scanned documents, or the details inside a PDF file?

Filevine can handle that. When Docs+ Optical Character Recognition (Docs+ OCR) is enabled on your Filevine Account, every document in your system will be indexed for search. If a file contains any of the terms you search for, it will appear in your search results.

With Docs+ OCR, you can find exactly what you need, exactly when you need it—and it doesn’t get faster than that.

Every Document Now Searchable

Search, and you shall find

With Filevine, you can locate any information at any time, from anywhere. Use the project search box for simple queries, or try Search Deeper to include more data types while limiting your results with powerful criteria. Full Boolean support lets you be even more specific.

Search Simply
Use the “Search for a Project’ box from anywhere in Filevine to find what you’re looking for on the fly

Search Deeper
Zero in on the data you need by using powerful criteria and setting custom search parameters

It’s Boolean, Baby
Use Boolean to target searches more directly with modifiers like “and,” “not,” “or,” and more

Optical Character Recognition

Index everything

When Docs+ OCR is enabled on your Filevine account, every document in your system will be indexed for search. That means any information present in those documents will be searchable by your team, from anywhere and with any smart device.

Automatically scan documents with OCR to make their contents searchable for your team.

Background Indexing
Upload a document, then carry on with your work. Docs+ OCR will index the new file in the background.

Content Preview
Get the information you need via content preview in search results without even opening the document.

Streamlined Workflows

Avoid roadblocks

With Docs+ OCR enabled, document-related processes in any practice area can run more smoothly. For plaintiff-side lawyers, accessing medical records information has never been easier. In-house counsel staff can enjoy faster access to contract information, and litigators can easily stay informed about new motions and pleadings.

Search Medical Records
Stay on top of your PI cases with fast access to medical records or insurance information.

Locate Contracts
Find specific contract information instantly by searching for any related terms, conditions, or personal information.

Assess Motions & Pleadings
Stay on top of changing case conditions by easily accessing motions and pleadings from anywhere.

An Entire Caseload In Your Pocket

The ability to quickly access relevant case information is critical to your law firm’s success. Docs+ OCR is a paid add-on feature to your core Filevine subscription that enables your team to zero in on specific case details with unparalleled speed and accuracy.

Talk to a rep today about enabling Docs+ OCR in your Filevine org.

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