Have you wondered how to stay on top of all the latest with Filevine?  If so, this post is for you!

While other practice management software companies take years to make even the smallest updates, Filevine is consistently working on updating and improving its products. We regularly review the feedback our customers provide, using it to set priorities for our development and engineering teams.

The thing about consistent updates, however, is that our users need a way to keep track of them.  This blog will teach you about all the different ways you can do so!

Release Notes

Release Notes are a wonderful way to keep track of updates.  They are published every Friday and can be found by clicking the Help icon at the top right of your screen, clicking Help Center → Release Notes.

Not only will you find all the latest updates organized by product and/or feature, you will also find older release notes organized by month here.

Feedback Notifications

As stated above, we take our customers’ feedback seriously.  In order to provide that feedback, click the Help icon  → Share Your Feedback.  From here you can fill out the simple form to submit your feedback, or you can click Open in Portal → Dashboard to view feedback others have provided and upvote suggestions:  

Reviewing and Upvoting Feedback

The best part of reviewing existing feedback is that you can upvote specific feature requests if they involve something you are interested in seeing rolled out.  By upvoting, you are increasing the chances that a feature will be built-out or updated!  

Subscribing to Requests

Don’t forget to subscribe to features you are interested in.  Subscribing means you will receive updates as we progress through the planning, development, and ultimate release of that feature!

In-App Notifications

Did you know that we push in-app notifications out on a regular basis?  This is one of the best ways we have of communicating important information with our users in a timely manner.  We won’t interrupt your workflow to just any reason, pop-ups are reserved for important communications.  If you are busy when one pops up, be sure to snooze it so you can read it later.  Fievine has two categories of pop-ups:

All Users

All users will be sent pop-up notifications regarding important information that affects all users, like announcements.  

Org Admin Only

Every Filevine customer organization has at least one designated Org Admin.  Sometimes the information we share via pop-up requires a customer organization to take action, and that action can only be performed by an Org Admin and/or an organization’s decision maker(s).  Other times, we may be releasing a new feature beta and need the Org Admin to let us know if the organization wants to opt-in.  In order to ensure we are not disrupting our users’ workflows unnecessarily, we will only send in-app notifications to Org Admins in these instances.

Why Am I Not Seeing These In-App Notifications?

Individual settings that could block an in-app notification from appearing in Filevine.  The most common is a pop-up blocker.  Make sure you have your Filevine URL and http://app.pendo.io/ whitelisted.

As you can see, In-App notifications are meant to convey important information to our users.  Please be sure to confirm your settings are allowing you to receive them!  If you are an Org Admin, please make sure your users have their settings configured properly (or ask your IT specialist to do so).  


Filevine regularly hosts free webinars that provide our audience with exciting information.  Topics range from document assembly to AI to the impact of self-driving vehicles on motor vehicle claims!  Some webinars are even eligible for those ever-elusive CLE credits.  Be on the lookout for emails from us regarding webinars that may be of interest to you based on your practice areas!  You can also register for upcoming live webinars or check out our library of past webinars here.  


The Viner is Filevine’s monthly customer newsletter. It includes product updates recently released, upcoming releases to watch for, and helpful resources for our customers to learn from. If a customer wants to stay informed on what's new at Filevine, the Viner is one of our many great resources.

Filevine Insiders

If you really want to be the first to know about new features and make sure they work in the best way possible for you, your team, and the rest of our customers, then Filevine Insiders is the place to be!

Filevine Insiders is a community of customers who receive early access to help us test new features and provide valuable feedback to help us improve them.  Rest assured that we will never include you or your team in a beta release without your express consent.  Learn more about the benefits and sign up at the Filevine Insiders website.  

In Summary   

As you can see, there are so many ways to keep up with all the latest and greatest at Filevine.  Choose the ones that work best for you or choose them all!  We love staying in touch with our valued customers, receiving your feedback, and providing you with exciting updates!